Design &
Planning GuideShower Doors & Enclosures
A Beautiful Shower Door
starts with Good Advice!Call us at
1-800-SHOWERS before you start construction
to prevent costly remodeling blunders!
Properly designed and constructed openings will result in Shower Doors that not only look beautiful, but are also functional. Today’s master bath shower often involves a combination of powerful shower heads and multiple body sprays that makes for a spa experience. These same features often cause a very high volume of water spray and proper planning and design is critical to creating a beautiful and functional shower door.
Click on Tip Below to Expand
Tip #1
Select the Right Shower Base -
Tip #2
Don't Use Flat Molded Bases -
Tip #3
Pitch Thresholds Correctly -
Tip #4
Measure & Verify Proper Inward Pitch -
Tip #5
Avoid Dead-Level Thresholds -
Tip #6
Never Pitch Thresholds Outward -
Tip #7
Properly Plan Decorative Border Tile Locations -
Tip #8
Build Proper Studding at Hinge & Hardware -
Tip #9
Identify Concealed Pipes or Electrical During Renovation -
Tip #10
Plan Shower Wall Angles -
Tip #11
Plan Body Spray Direction -
Tip #12
Swing Doors Outward -
Tip #13
Plan Steam Showers -
Tip #14
Door Should Meet Wall at 90° Angle -
Tip #15
Construct Knee Walls Plumb -
Tip #16
Do Not Design Excessive Seat Overhangs -
Tip #17
Do Not Design Glass Panels ≤ 4" -
Tip #18
Build Soffits to Match Thresholds -
Tip #19
Never Mount on Glass Tiles -
Tip #20
Plan Barrier Free OpeningsTip #21
Plan glass height for exhaust fans, ceiling fans, and lights.Tip #22
Install an exhaust fan timer control to help prevent mold and mildew growth!